• Volume 40,Issue 8,2017 Table of Contents
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    • >Research&Design
    • Improved conjugate gradient online learning sliding mode control algorithm

      2017, 40(8):1-5.

      Abstract (1262) HTML (0) PDF 1.87 M (1927) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For a class of uncertain systems based on nonlinear TS fuzzy model, the steady state error and dynamic quality of sliding mode control algorithm are related to the accuracy of the description model of TS fuzzy algorithm. Using the least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) learning algorithm of TS fuzzy model can approximate the actual system well. However, due to the LSSVM algorithm has a certain amount of data requirements, and learning speed is relatively slow. The requirements of the algorithm is not suitable for higher dynamic response or less memory. In this paper, an improved conjugate gradient online learning algorithm is proposed to study TS model, which can approach the actual model in real time, and the algorithm can achieve the asymptotic stability of the control system. In this paper, the control algorithm is simulated under different error conditions. In the random error is less than 100, the steadystate error is 0.01, and the system showed stable characteristics of fast with time varying error, which showed the robustness of the control algorithm is strong. Finally, the experimental results whose random error amplitude is 500 show that the TS model has the ability to de noise the random error of the system.

    • Research and design of safetyrelated digital level transmitter

      2017, 40(8):6-9.

      Abstract (1114) HTML (0) PDF 1.22 M (1847) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the development of industrial automation, the technology of safety instrument & system is paid more and more attention, while the research on safety instrument & system in our country is still in its infancy. This paper put forward to the safety structure of the Digital Level Transmitter, mainly studies the functional safety of the digital level transmitter, FMEDA analysis, software selfdiagnosis technology, V&V and software testing, and achieved SIL2 certification of the digital level transmitter. It is the first digital level transmitter in the domestic that achieved the SIL2 certificate by Rhine TUV, which break the technological monopoly of longterm safety instruments and systems by foreign countries.

    • Design of wideband vertical microstrip transition

      2017, 40(8):10-13.

      Abstract (1235) HTML (0) PDF 1.96 M (3099) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at vertical microstrip transition in multilayer designs, a novel structure of millimeter vertical microstriptomicrostrip is proposed in this paper. In this design, the vertical microstrip transition implements matching through compensation structure on the microstrip. Then the microwave signal can transmit in different layers. It has the advantages of low insertion loss, broadband and easy to produce. All this indicates the structure has a good applicable worthiness in microwave circuit designs. The proposed structure is designed by software, then fabricated and tested. The results show that the insertion loss and return loss is respectively below 2.7 dB (include the insertion loss of two K2.92 mm joints and microstrip transmission line) and above 9 dB from 0.5 GHz to 38 GHz.

    • Research of fast phase calibration based on vector voltmeter

      2017, 40(8):14-17.

      Abstract (1328) HTML (0) PDF 1.45 M (2294) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Phase calibration is an essential means for daily equipment maintenance in space tracking, telemetry, command(TT&C) system. Generally phasecorrected value of the phase calibration is analyzed through applying software defined radio(SDR).Vector voltmeter is an advanced instrumentation with highprecision, wide band and high sensitivity, which can test amplitude and phase simultaneously. The phase difference of sumdifferential channel is calculated by using vector voltmeter. A novel phase calibration method is realized under the hardware platform. The technique discussed in this paper has been successfully applied in project.

    • ADF4351 in airborne radio navigatione quipment application of general purpose simulator

      2017, 40(8):18-22.

      Abstract (1192) HTML (0) PDF 3.62 M (1693) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For the purpose of solving the problems that the quantity of airborne navigation equipment simulator is large, which is not conducive to the integration of automatic test system, a generalized signal simulator is designed, and the ADF4351 is used as the core to constitute the local oscillator signal source, realizing wide frequency band and frequency adjustable function. First, the basic principles and working characteristics of the ADF4351 are analyzed. Then, the detailed design method of the frequency synthesizer is introduced. Through the USB peripheral controller chip CY7C68013A, the host computer controls the ADF4351 to produce the specific frequency RF output. At last, with altimeter signal simulator for example, the phase noise and spurious suppression of the 4.3 GHz RF output are measured by a spectrum analyzer. Experiments show that the designed frequency synthesizer can achieve low phase noise and stable frequency output from 35 MHz to 4.4 GHz.

    • Research of two kinds of Rayleigh fading channel model

      2017, 40(8):23-26.

      Abstract (1713) HTML (0) PDF 1.58 M (2824) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The modeling and simulating of the channel is the basis and key to research the various techniques and internet planning in mobile radio communications. On the basis of the mathematical reference model, analyzing the deficiency of Jakes’ model. The descendants mentioned two kinds of modified model, this is Pop’s model and Zheng’s model, respectively. The theory comparison has carried out concerning these two models to tell how these two models improve their performance by introducing the random phase. What’s more, the simulation of those two models with matlab has done to make a contrast of their performance. Research shows that they both can solve the stationary problems, but Zheng model has a better performance. In conclusion, Zheng model is of much more value for the modeling of Rayleigh fading channel.

    • Design and experimental study on temperature control circuit of semiconductor laser

      2017, 40(8):27-31.

      Abstract (1492) HTML (0) PDF 3.08 M (2371) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The DFB tunable diode Laser is one of the most important components in the laser spectrum measurement system. The main factors that affect the output wavelength and output power of DFB tunable diode laser are the injection current and operating temperature, and the latter has a bigger effect on the laser. This paper designed temperature control circuit for laser, and analyzed the influence of PI parameters on the temperature control stabilization and short term stability experimentally; the designed temperature control circuit is applied on DFB tunable diode laser for study of longterm monitoring in laser output wavelength and output power, and achieved that standard deviation of the laser output wavelength is 0.2×10-6, the standard deviation of output power is 0.02 mW.

    • Research and implementation ofautomated virtual reality API test system based on PC platform

      2017, 40(8):32-36.

      Abstract (1112) HTML (0) PDF 3.40 M (1704) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the development of virtual reality technology, a large number of softwares running on virtual reality devices are developed every day.However, there is little research on virtual reality software automation testing system.Therefore,based on the study of automated testing,this paper designed and realized an automated virtual reality a PCbased API test system, combining with the engineering practice.At the same time, according to the test requirements of virtual reality APIs, the corresponding test program is written.The system is implemented on the Windows operating system, and the automatic test is realized by writing batch files.The test result shows that the system can realize the whole process from source code download to test report generation. Which improves the test efficiency effectively and faster and more fully find the software problems.

    • Study on high energyobtaining circuit for thyristor valves

      2017, 40(8):37-41.

      Abstract (1364) HTML (0) PDF 1.67 M (2075) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Due to the high pressure rating of thyristor, the thyristor widely used in highvoltage dynamic reactive power compensation device. Thyristor valves composed of thyristor series are core devices of thyristor controlled reactor (TCR). In high voltage, driving circuit of the thyristor valve in which manner obtains energy is the problem of highvoltage dynamic reactive power compensation device that must consider. In order to increase the reliability of thyristor series operation, this paper design a voltage and current access circuits to meet both TCR in the trigger angle to obtain energy, to power driving circuit, achieving high thyristor valve system selfpowered. Establishment of each energyobtaining circuit simulation model in PSPICE software, the simulation results show that the high energyobtaining circuits can not only reduce switching losses and improve the efficiency of thyristor operation but also provide power to the drive circuit, which provide fundamental basis for stable power supply of thyristor driving circuit.

    • Lowcost wall structure detection radar sytem based on cellphone platform

      2017, 40(8):42-47.

      Abstract (1202) HTML (0) PDF 3.18 M (1889) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ground penetrating radar can detect the inner object in the wall and imaging them,such as steel,water pipe,electric wire.It has good appliction prospect.For the purpose above we developed a miniature,lowcost,portable ground penetrating radar system.And developed a software based on Android system.This software system can transmit data between software and radar.Also,it can receive the radar signal in real time and show the data in a suitable way by the operator’s choice. The signal data can be dealt with by the frequencywavenumber method.The test shows that the system has good results.The system can meet the requirement in practical engineering.

    • Study on transfer characteristics of planar spiral coil in wireless power transfer system

      2017, 40(8):48-52.

      Abstract (1259) HTML (0) PDF 2.45 M (2959) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sending and receiving resonator is a key part in wireless power transfer system, its performance directly determines the size of the transmission efficiency of the whole system. In this paper, the plane spiral coil is chosen as the sending and receiving resonator. The influence of coil properties (number of turns, substrate material, number of layers, etc.) on the coil parameters is analyzed by finite element simulation software HFSS, and the energy transfer characteristics between the resonators is analyzed. The simulation results show that the coupling factor between the coils has a greater effect on the transmission efficiency than the coil Q value. Finally, considering the coil performance and production costs, choose the best coil to make inkind and build a wireless power transmission device. The entire device is capable of lighting a 15 W LED bulb within 450 mm of the coil diameter of 2.5 times, and the transmission efficiency is more than 60%.

    • Implementation of stock price forecasting system based on TA and SA

      2017, 40(8):53-57.

      Abstract (1333) HTML (0) PDF 2.15 M (1717) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to meet further understanding of the financial market and the demand for the stock price forecast in advance. This paper proposed a stock price forecasting model based on TA/SA (technical analysis/sentimental analysis), which aims to establish the relationship between sentiment and future stock price. The application mainly includes: get sentiment index, establish regression model and the calculation of future stock closing price. This model predicted 200 stock prices, compared with predicted results of SVM and BP neural network, and the correct rate of the proposed model increased by 10.9% and 7.4%, which shows that the model has better prediction accuracy and practical value.

    • Lowovershoot balanced pulse generator for GPR application

      2017, 40(8):58-62.

      Abstract (1213) HTML (0) PDF 3.37 M (2513) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A novel nanoseconds ultrawideband (UWB) balanced pulse generator is designed and demonstrated in this paper. It contains a pulse drive circuit, an avalanche transistor pulse circuit and a pulse forming circuit. The pulse drive circuit produces a sharper trigger pulse and the avalanche transistor pulse circuit uses a novel transistor cascade construction to produce a high amplitude gauss pulse. At last, the pulse forming circuit utilizes parallel butt joint resistor network and schottky diode to eliminate the signal reflection and uses balun to produce a balanced gauss pulse. It can operate well at the pulse repetition frequency(PRF) up to 300 kHz. Measurement results are presented, which show the output of the generator are balanced pulses with peak values of 230 V at 100 kHz PRF and 1.3 ns in pulse leading edge with very small ringing and overshoot. These characters of the balanced gauss pulses are advantageous for obtaining deeper detection range and costing less data computation time when it is applied to ground penetrating radar applications.

    • Miniature circuit breaker joule integral to the research on the effects oftripping

      2017, 40(8):63-65.

      Abstract (1501) HTML (0) PDF 1.38 M (1933) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Miniature circuit breaker has been frequently applied in domestic areas and similar places, so how to safely use miniature circuit breaker is of great significance. And circuit always appear the accident situation such as short circuit, overload, therefore requires and miniature circuit breaker at the break. If small circuit breaker and timedivision, high short circuit current will cause fever, such as welding phenomena of the miniature circuit breaker, and damage to equipment at a lower level. This article mainly analyse the reason of breaking and miniature circuit breaker, switching angles in the research process of breaking the joule integral effects, on the impact of miniature circuit breaker tripping situation. To better protect small circuit breaker and at a lower level equipment. For circuit fault occurs at home and abroad of miniature circuit breaker breaking current value its influence factors are studied, under what conditions for research of miniature circuit breaker tripping device tripping, both at home and abroad for its different breaking current generated by the test.

    • Research and simulation of fuzzy selftuning PID control for BLDCM

      2017, 40(8):66-71.

      Abstract (1141) HTML (0) PDF 4.18 M (1816) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The control system of brushless DC motor, which is widely used in new energy vehicles, has the characteristics of timevarying, nonlinear, strong coupling and many variables. Based on the mathematical model of brushless DC motor, ,based on the mathematical model of Brushless DC motor, this paper presents a simple and practical control strategy, that is, the closedloop speed control scheme of fuzzy selftuning PID control. The fuzzy control rules are set by fuzzy logic, and the PID control parameters are adjusted in real time according to the change of speed. Using MATLAB tools to establish the control system simulation model. The simulation results show that: The advantage of fuzzy adaptive PID control system at the speed of fast response, small overshoot, antijamming and recovery time is short, strong robustness, compared with the traditional PID control has a larger advantage.

    • Real time simulation technology based on field programmable gate array buck converter

      2017, 40(8):72-75.

      Abstract (1088) HTML (0) PDF 1.92 M (1740) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using the parallel computing characteristics of FPGA, the FPGA can realize the nanosecond simulation step size in the real time simulation of power electronic devices and models, which can show the characteristic of power electronic switching devices more reality. Through the analysis of the buck converter in inductor current continuous mode of mathematical model, with the Xilinx system generator tools we built the mathematical model of the buck converter, and carries on the realtime simulation, and compared with device simulation results, from the simulation results, it can be seen the effectiveness of the mathematical and can replace the device model of Buck converter in a certain error range, and also for the actual circuit design and debugging provides a way.

    • Study on four step commutation strategy for matrix converters

      2017, 40(8):76-78.

      Abstract (1104) HTML (0) PDF 1.69 M (2125) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Since the beginning of the matrix converter, the commutation strategy research on it is a lot. Based on the direction of current detection and voltage direction of fourstep commutation strategy have been extensive research and application. Some researchers have analyzed the four steps in flow process and the output waveform, But few of them, to the difficulty 、the reliability of the output waveform and waveform quality for further analysis and comparison. Based on the deep analysis of the commutation strategy and combined twoway switch ,this paper presents a detailed introduction to the four step commutation strategy. On the basis of ensuring the reliability of the flow changing and improving the quality of waveform, the correctness and effectiveness of the conclusion are verified by the MATLAB simulation method, and the advantages and disadvantages of two types of fourstep commutation modes are analyzed and compared.

    • Design of correctness detection system for conjoint ammunition and error analysis

      2017, 40(8):79-83.

      Abstract (1067) HTML (0) PDF 2.55 M (2022) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For the high cost of production,maintenance and measurement of the correctness gauge which was difficult to meet the needs of the growing test ammunition in the range,a new correctness detection system for conjoint ammunition was designed. Using high precision laser instrument to measure the diameter and center coordinates of the ammunition,the parameters on the 2D vertical section containing the maximum offset of the center coordinates was collected and the coaxial was calculated,then the mathematical model of correctness gauge was established. The result of correctness detection was judged by comparing the 2D profile. The measurement theory and errors was analyzed,and the practical results show that the system could detect correctness for multiple caliber ammunition due to its high accuracy,secure and reliable, accurate result and high efficiency. It has a great value on practice in charging and assembling in the range.

    • Quantitative analysis of open source project in GitHub community based on big data

      2017, 40(8):84-89.

      Abstract (1510) HTML (0) PDF 2.80 M (1850) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By mining the data on GitHub open source project’s developing progress, based on the complex network theory and machine learning, the paper analyses the relative index in the current progress of software developing group with quantitative way. The research uses data which acquire by internet worm from open source software(OSS) in GitHub to analysis with complex networks. The results show that the network of OSS developer has a small world effect, some of the project developer network has scalefree network effect, the clustering coefficient of the network will has a peak value with the new project then tend to be normal. The paper also shows the change of network modularity and other characteristics of network based on time series. Quantitative analysis results can enable the managers to acknowledge the situation of developing group dynamically so well that they can be reasonable to allocate the resource ,to arrange the developing task and to improve its efficiency.

    • Arbitrarywaveform generator for exciting ultrasonic transducer in leak detection

      2017, 40(8):90-93.

      Abstract (1469) HTML (0) PDF 1.95 M (1842) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper introduces the principle of digital waveform generator and design a digital function generator based on direct digital synthesizer (DDS) technology used FPGA and necessary analog circuits. By serial communication, the singlechip microcomputer is used to set the frequency and amplitude, as well as the choice ofwaveform; FPGA to change the word of DDS frequency control and to realize the waveform table’s generation; The profile data which FPGA produces is sent into AD7524 to carry on the analogtodigital conversion; The latter level uses the low pass filter and the OCL amplifier to improve the wave quality and to enhance its ability to take the load. At last, the paper gives a frequency analysis between the sine wave produced by the circuit in this paper and the sine wave produced by a signal generator.

    • Assistant system design of portable maintenance equipment for airborne radar

      2017, 40(8):94-97.

      Abstract (1287) HTML (0) PDF 2.97 M (1992) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the requirements on site, we design a kind of portable maintenance assistant system equipment for airborne radar. Its system hardware platform adopts PXI structural system and possesses good compatibility and expansibility. This paper introduces design thought for this equipment (PMA) and expatiates its hardware structure; software system and functional design etc. during field support on some airborne radar site, this equipment (PMA) realizes fast extraction of radar data, quick diagnosis and isolation of failure, complete record for radar health state and the whole process control for field operation with fair reputation.

    • Design of multi frequency microstrip antenna in L-band

      2017, 40(8):98-100.

      Abstract (1427) HTML (0) PDF 2.54 M (1988) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to achieve stimulating the multiple resonant point in the Lband,and use the sharp selectivity of the various resonant point to improve the antiinterference of the system,Opens circular aperture in the circular radiating patch, combines with two short circuit at the same time,so as through this method to design a multifrequency microstrip antenna in the Lband.The results from simulation experiment by HFSS which is a 3d electromagnetic simulation tool show that: when the angle of two short pieces is 90° orthogonal, and the distance from the center of the circle to the feed point is 25 mm, antenna generates three resonance frequency points as follows: 1.3 GHz, 1.53 GHz and 1.67 GHz;Frequency offset from low frequency to high frequency is up to 370 MHz.The multifrequency antenna is suitable for frequency hopping and multiple frequency communication system, and it, s height is only 1 mm, which can meet the demand of application of complanation.

    • >Theory and Algorithms
    • Analysis of the SVA indoor fading channel’s capacity in tightly coupled MIMO systems

      2017, 40(8):101-103.

      Abstract (1149) HTML (0) PDF 1.75 M (1704) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In recent years, the antennas of MIMO system tends to be miniaturized, and the coupling effect becomes the main factor that affects the channel capacity. In this paper, the method of modeling the indoor SVA fading channel model is introduced firstly. Secondly, the principle of the coupling effect is presented. Finally, the coupling effect is brought into the channel model, and the effect of different antenna spacing on the channel capacity is analyzed under the multipath condition. Simulation results show that the coupling effect leads to the decrease of the channel capacity, and the shorter the antenna spacing, the greater the effect of the coupling effect on the channel capacity.

    • Researchof data association based on the background of space debris

      2017, 40(8):104-107.

      Abstract (1124) HTML (0) PDF 1.91 M (1722) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Space debris is a kind of waste that human beings left in the outer space. When the radar found the space debris target, taking the correct association and tracking of the target, or even accessing the monitoring information of the space debris can be the basis for space debris target catalog management. Combining to the distribution characteristics and motion characteristics of space debris, this paper proposed an improved algorithm for multiobjective data association for loworbit space background, on the base of joint probability data association (JPDA) algorithm. The algorithm is designed to reduce possible joint events, and realized the goal of improving the tracking accuracy and reducing the computational complexity. Both thetheoretical analysis and Monte Carlo simulation shows that the algorithm has certain engineering application value, especially in the condition of a larger number of targets.

    • Electromagnetic compatibility prediction model based on effective amplitude

      2017, 40(8):108-111.

      Abstract (1030) HTML (0) PDF 1.82 M (1968) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming to predict the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of a detection system on different working status correctly and quickly, the EMC prediction model based on effective amplitude is put forward. Firstly, according to the working principle of detection system, effective amplitude is defined, and the computation method of effective amplitude is given by amplitudefrequency response of matching circuit and bandpass filter circuit. Then, the three dimensional surface of effective amplitude is incised by the plane at the height of sensitivity, and the EMC boundary is obtained. Lastly, radiated interference is measured by electromagnetic measuring sensors. The conclusion that the detection system is electromagnetic compatible or not can be drawn with the help of the coordinate, which is decided by frequency and amplitude of radiated interference. Accuracy rate of the prediction model is 98.6% by experiment.

    • Audio and video cross watermarking algorithm based on visual saliency model

      2017, 40(8):112-115.

      Abstract (1447) HTML (0) PDF 1.83 M (1688) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper proposed a simple audio and video cross watermarking algorithmbased on ltti’s visual saliency model. Frist of all, it utilized the lowpass amplitude characteristic of audio streamingto generatewatermarking, embedded into the video streaming;Secondly, decoding the keyframe, I frame, of video streaming to obtain the Y component of YUV sequence, remarkably analyzing it; Finally, nonremarkable area is blocked into DCT, embedded intowatermarking by quantization index modulation. The experimental results show that the average PSNR of key frame, in this algorithm, is lifted by 1.678 5 dB, which relieved the contradiction of watermark invisibility and robustnessand achieved the crossprotection between the audio and video streams.

    • Improvement of extraction method of flicker voltage amplitude wave

      2017, 40(8):116-119.

      Abstract (1371) HTML (0) PDF 2.64 M (1635) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Voltage flicker is one of theimportant indicators of power quality,and test flicker first need to extract flicker amplitude modulator.Presents an improved TeagerKaiser energy operator method to estimate voltage flicker amplitude modulation wave,this method only needsthe three sampling points of the detection signal with simple basic operation, the process of the flicker amplitude wave extraction is fast and simple.Furthermore, to get accurate detection results under white noise, wavelet threshold denoising was applied, to eliminatethe noise ofelectrical signals. The simulation resultsprove the accuracy and validityof the proposed method. The algorithmcan overcome the influence of noise on power quality detection, has high precision, and easy to implement.

    • Research of eliminated narrow pulse of single phase SVPWM

      2017, 40(8):120-124.

      Abstract (1081) HTML (0) PDF 2.46 M (1716) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the basis of analyzing the principle of single phase voltage space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) and narrow pulse on the damage of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT),to solve the problem that the IGBT or the body diode cut off again before they are completely open because of the narrow pulse generated in pulse width modulated. During this process, the great voltage and oscillation do damage to the device and distorted the flow in converter. The method is proposed in this paper by adjusting the modulation index m to control the width to limit and eliminate the narrow pulse. It also increases the reliability of the safe operation of the circuit. Finally the method is verified by Matlab simulation can make switching devices allow through narrow pulse to increase the reliability of the safe operation of the circuit.

    • Improved MRCC fault monitoring algorithm for GBAS ground station

      2017, 40(8):125-129.

      Abstract (1109) HTML (0) PDF 1.37 M (1339) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ground based augmentation system (GBAS) can strongly support aircraft’s precise approach landing, and integrity monitoring is not only the difficulty of the system realization but also the key point to safeguard the flight. In order to ensure the reliability of the differential correction from the GBAS ground station, the B value calculation and fault monitoring process in the multiple reference consistency check (MRCC) are used to eliminate the receiver channel which generates a lot of error in the correction. The principle and method of MRCC algorithm are analyzed in this paper, the problem of pseudo range and carrier phase B values are both more than threshold and the maximum value is not in the same channel are founded in the MRCC fault monitoring process. An improved algorithm of MRCC fault monitoring process is proposed for this problem, then the existing and improved MRCC fault detection algorithms are compared in the experiment. The results indicate that the improved algorithm can effectively solve the current problems in the hierarchical process of the inconsistency caused by the pseudo range and carrier phase.

    • >Information Technology & Image Processing
    • High robustness digital watermarking algorithm implemented based on FPGA

      2017, 40(8):130-134.

      Abstract (1064) HTML (0) PDF 2.81 M (1359) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Traditionally digital watermarking algorithm is implemented by software method. This paper proposes a high robustness digital watermarking algorithm and an implementation based on FPGA. In this paper, the watermark embedding algorithm is mainly realized by LWT, CS and SVD, where lifting wavelet transform is to decompose the host image to 3 stages and chaotic scrambling algorithm is to encrypt the watermark image and then decompose the LL part of third LWT order using SVD to get the corresponding singular value matrix and last embed the encrypted watermark into the singular value matrix. In the FPGA implementation of this algorithm, the hardware implementation of lifting wavelet transform, chaotic scrambling encryption and matrix SVD decomposition are studied. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm in this paper is robust, and the watermarked image has strong anti attack ability. The algorithm can be efficiently implemented on FPGA. Finally, the experimental results have been verified, using FPGA to achieve the digital watermarking algorithm is stable and reliable, the watermark embedding rate is greatly improved.

    • Image mosaic algorithm based on feature points probability model and matching

      2017, 40(8):135-138.

      Abstract (1348) HTML (0) PDF 2.79 M (1589) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to solve the image content and single feature points is not obvious and the number of little and lead to its difficult to splice the exact problem, put forward the image stitching algorithm based on probability and matching feature points. Should first, using the image characteristics of the overlapping area, developed for rotation, scale and illumination invariant feature geometry structure, reliable calculating distance matrix and the rotation matrix, realize the feature point detection; Using random sampling consistency algorithm, feature point matching. Then, using the Bernoulli distribution characteristics, and calculation of the bayesian model points and outliers in probability, eliminate error matching points, so as to improve the image matching accuracy, accurate finish image stitching. Last barcode docking is accurate as benchmark image splicing quality judgment, experimental test results show that compared with the current image splicing technology, the joining together of this algorithm has higher accuracy and robustness.

    • Humanoid robot using Kinect sensor

      2017, 40(8):139-143.

      Abstract (1514) HTML (0) PDF 2.70 M (1637) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the development of modern science and robot technology,interaction between human and robot becomes more and more colorful. In order to implement more natural interaction between human and robot, this paper presents a method of somatosensory interaction. Using Kinect to accept the depth image of human action, then using skeleton tracking function to track the main point of human body, which will be processed by computer. Finally, computer send the joint angle to the robot controller wirelessly, let robot imitate human action. After experiment, the robot works well, it can react to human action. This method increases the efficiency of the interaction between human and robot, which also has a great application value.

    • Image feature point matching algorithm based on image quality analysis and segmentation operator

      2017, 40(8):144-149.

      Abstract (1013) HTML (0) PDF 2.40 M (1498) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to solve the current image quality due to unstable and inaccurate segmentation in image matching error analysis and optimization of rent, the segmentation of image quality based on the proposed operator, image quality analysis and image segmentation based on matching system. Firstly, according to the contrast of the image, the quality evaluation function is set up. By adjusting the camera exposure, the purpose of image contrast is clear. Then, the target segmentation operator is designed by threshold segmentation and morphological processing. Finally, the integrated image quality optimization operator and segmentation in image matching system, and programming, the experimental test results show that compared with the current image matching method, this method has higher accuracy.

    • >Data Acquisition
    • Improved method on super low distortion measurement

      2017, 40(8):150-153.

      Abstract (913) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (1769) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Introduce the fundamental suppression method and spectrum analysis method for distortion measurement. Discuss the limitation of the two methods for superlow distortion measurement. Propose an improved method for Superlow distortion measurement, using the fundamental suppressor attenuate fundamental before signal enters the spectrum analyzer to satisfy the dynamic range. According to the fundamental suppression and each harmonic residual amount of distortion level, use the derived formula to calculate the distortion and validate the measurement results. This method combines the advantages of fundamental suppression method and spectral analysis method, can effectively reduce the lower limit of measurement range to -130 dB and improve the accuracy of measurement.

    • Study of high speed rail line antiintrusion system based on wireless sensor networks

      2017, 40(8):154-159.

      Abstract (1121) HTML (0) PDF 3.33 M (1661) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the behaviors of illegal action that the people who enter into highspeed rail line by using metallic equipment to damage the protecting mesh or barbed wire cage, the paper puts forward a highspeed rail line antiintrusion system based on wireless sensor networks. Combined with the technical features of low power and selforganized network of WSN, the paper constructs the system architecture, the design of data acquisition node. And the scheme of nodes placement are proposed as well. Among them, the data acquisition node is integrated with the passive infrared sensor, ultrasonic sensor and magnetic field sensor. The system alarm information is derived from three sensors’ alarm data by “and operation”. The scheme of relaying nodes placement is mainly studied and a simulation case analysis is used whose outcome of node number error is limited to 10% while the distance between relaying nodes is not more than 140 m. The system can be able to effectively monitor the intrusion behavior into highspeed rail line and ensure train operation safety.

    • Experimental analysis of electromagnetic wave propagation in conveyor belt roadway

      2017, 40(8):160-163.

      Abstract (1538) HTML (0) PDF 2.87 M (1564) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Unavoidably, mining tunnels have locomotives, long conveyor belts, cages, metal mesh supporting and so on these objects, The existence of these objects affects electromagnetic wave propagation in tunnels to some extent. The text regards the tunnel as a waveguide, through experimental measurement and fitting method to study on attenuation of electromagnetic wave in conveyor belt roadway. The experimental results show that: the attenuation of the electromagnetic wave is connected with the existence of long conveyor belts and the received frequency; The existence of conveyor belts increases the attenuation of the electromagnetic wave; the higher the frequency of the electromagnetic wave is, the smaller the attenuation is; 900 MHz is the optimum frequency to study mine wireless communication; In the roadway with width greater than height, horizontal mode is more suitable for communication than vertical mode. The results in this paper provide more powerful support for the coal mine roadway wireless communication, and provide reference value and practical significance for the further study of the electromagnetic wave propagation characteristics.

    • Application of Lyapunov exponent algorithm in the weak signal detection

      2017, 40(8):164-168.

      Abstract (1029) HTML (0) PDF 3.77 M (1465) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the Matlab/Simulink simulation software, the principle of the weak sine signal detection and the simulation experiment steps are analyzed in the HolmesDuffing system. The simulation results show that there is a large human error in the threshold value of the chaotic state directly from the phase diagram. Aiming at this problem, the Lyapunov exponent algorithm is proposed to quantitatively analyze the dynamic characteristics of the system and research the relationship between the maximal Lyapunov exponent and the system state. The further analysis of the critical region discovers that the LE exponent in the zero oscillation shows that the chaotic system is in the intermittent criticality.Finally,the weak signal with signal to noise ratio of -40 dB is tested to show that the Lyapunov exponent algorithm can judge the existence of weak signals more accurately, which proves the feasibility of the detection method.

    • Research on testing method of unbalance in dynamic balance testing system

      2017, 40(8):169-173.

      Abstract (812) HTML (0) PDF 4.32 M (2491) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new HilbertHuang transform (HHT)based filtering method is proposed to solve the problem of low accuracy of unbalance measurement in dynamic balancing test system. This method is applied to the dynamic balance test system to analyze the original vibration signal and the frequency signal in order to infer the quality and phase of the unbalance. Firstly, the vibration signal can be resolved into a series of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) through empirical mode decomposition (EMD).Secondly, the Hilbert marginal spectrum of these IMFs will be figured out by Hilbert transform. Finally, combining with the trochanter’s frequency ,the useful vibration signal are able to be selected from the original signal. According to the amplitude and frequency of the useful vibration signal, the quality and phase of the unbalance are capable of figured out. The experimental results show that the proposed method is more accurate and more effective than the conventional digital filtering method in the dynamic balance measurement system.

    • Multi sensor data acquisition for road surveying

      2017, 40(8):174-179.

      Abstract (1285) HTML (0) PDF 3.83 M (1509) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A multi sensor data synchronous acquisition system was designed for road survey. A PIC24 family microcontroller is used as the control core, combined with GPS and high stability quartz crystal to establish highprecision time reference. Accelerometer is used to acquire the acceleration, and laser range finder is used to acquire the distance in the vertical direction during vehicle travel. Road surface images can be collected by monochrome camera and road landscape images can be collected by color camera. Time is used as a link to achieve a high precision synchronization of multiple sensor data. Experiments show that the system has good realtime performance, high precision and stability. It can realize the synchronous acquisition of road pavement and landscape images. It provides high precision raw sensor data for road surface crack detection and pavement roughness calculation.

    • Hilbert Huang transform analysis and feature extraction of barkhausen signal

      2017, 40(8):180-183.

      Abstract (1063) HTML (0) PDF 1.71 M (1868) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to improve the analysis accuracy of Barkhausen signal, we first analyze the shortcomings of the traditional feature extraction method of Barkhausen signal. Based on the analysis of HilbertHuang transform theory, a new Barkhausen signal feature extraction method is proposed. The method includes both time and frequency information, theoretically has a very high analytical accuracy. By comparing the new feature with the traditional feature, it is found that the recognition rate of the new feature for classification is much higher than the traditional one, and the training sample size is smaller than the traditional one. In this paper, we also find that the recognition rate of a single traditional eigenvalue is very low, and the traditional eigenvalues can be combined to improve the recognition rate.

    • Design and implement of a human gait data measure system

      2017, 40(8):184-188.

      Abstract (1584) HTML (0) PDF 3.31 M (1771) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Lower limb exoskeleton robots and rehabilitation robots have been a hot area in recent years, and obviously the gait data is significant meaningful to gait recognition and its control system. To collect the human gait information when he is waling, a set of data acquisition system which can measure the foot pressure and join angles is presented in this paper. This system consisting of MCU, foot pressure sensors, joint angle sensors, signal condition module and data storage module is able to decode, gather and store gait data automatically. With this system, the foot pressures and joint angles of different people walking at different speed are collected successfully. And the results show some gait features, which can provide reference for farther gait analysis and recognition.

    • Systemerror correction based on particle swarm optimization in TOA indoor location

      2017, 40(8):189-192.

      Abstract (1280) HTML (0) PDF 1.80 M (1292) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The ranging measurement based on TOA (time of arrival) is susceptible to multipath interference which will lead to a lager system error and make the indoor position accuracy worse. To solve these problems, this paper firstly analyzes the generation and characteristics of systematic error in TOA location, then proposed a positioning algorithm based on particle swarm optimization. This algorithm establishes the solution domain by using the space constraint relationship between the ranging value and the solution location, and then uses particle swarm algorithm to solve the problem, and through the establishment of the system error on the penalty function and fitness function to achieve error correction to reduce the particle search space and speed up the algorithm convergence rate. Experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively restrain the system error caused by ranging in the indoor location, and the localization accuracy can be improved obviously.

    • Design of multi channel FIFO with mass storage facility based on FPGA

      2017, 40(8):193-197.

      Abstract (954) HTML (0) PDF 3.11 M (1470) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:proposed a method of Multichannel FIFO with mass storage facility based on FPGA.In the highspeed sample board,the speed and capability of the system depend on the FIFO. In order to fulfil highspeed sample board requirements highspeed, huge facility and little volume, slected SDRAM and FPGA to accomplish. The SDRAM has highspeed, huge capability and lowcost but complex. Taking the advantage of FPGA to make up the complexity of SDRAM. , use the FPGA to make the logic of the FIFO, accomplished the SDRAM state controller FIFO address management and FIFO Interface logic. Then accomplish simulation on the Modelsim with a SDRAM model designed by Micron Technolog. At last,applying this method on a PXI board. Analysed the influence of clock frequency, delay parameter and readwrite Frequency to Bit Error, then gived the rectify solution. Realized eight channel FIFO with 16 M storage deep, asynchronous dualport, 16 bits wide and a speed of 128 Mbps.Providing a reliable data storage platform for the high speed data acquisition system.

    • >Embedded Technology
    • Design of multi channel data presentation and analysis system based on LabVIEW

      2017, 40(8):198-202.

      Abstract (872) HTML (0) PDF 4.35 M (1694) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Virtual instrument technology has been widely used in the field of measurement and control system. For analysis of multichannel data in the industrial inspection, and analyze whether the product is qualified or the data results from vibration and other accidents, designed a virtual instrument system on the software development platform LabVIEW2014. It used the method of creating waveform to transform notimestamp data into timestamp data, and the principles of filter and power spectrum. It can achieve functions of multichannel data display, wave filtering and power spectral analysis. The test results show that the system can display multichannel data intuitively and reflect the data after filtering and power spectrum analysis accurately. It can satisfy the requirements of product inspection.

    • Transplantation and Testing of Embedded Minimum Linux System

      2017, 40(8):203-206.

      Abstract (1316) HTML (0) PDF 2.70 M (1732) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The minimum Linux system, which is running on the embedded system whiout interface building by the Linux kernel. Through the minimum system establishment and transplantation, it is helpful to grasp the basic method of system transplantation and programming. According to the Cortexa9 framwork designing of the Exynos4412 platform, Building crosscompiler environment and some related software is introduced, paper focus on the the kernel source code and Busybox compiler and the flow of the transplantation, the main steps of transplant and main instruction were also introduced. The test code has been programmed to show the performance of the Cortexa9 and minimum Linux system. The experimental results show that million times the division operation time spend about 0.19s, which can meet the performance requirements of most embedded systems.

    • Research of remote update system for embedded devices with improved security mechanism

      2017, 40(8):207-211.

      Abstract (797) HTML (0) PDF 1.66 M (1918) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To solve problems like communication failure, data transmission error during the remote updating process of embedded devices. This article design and implement a remote update system with an improved security mechanism based on traditional application backup method. With the help of a simplified safe application which contains only core code of normal application, this System can remain stable during the time when updating process is held up due to data communication failure. The system uses multiverification mechanism and it uses differential data instead of updating the whole software, reducing information flow consumption and extend wipe/write operational life of FLASH. The test result proved the security and stability of the system during remote updating process.

    • Design and implementation of Uav remote control based on STC12C5A60S2 MCU

      2017, 40(8):212-216.

      Abstract (968) HTML (0) PDF 3.15 M (1820) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the development of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and the wide range of applications, the control device is also bound to develop rapidly. In order to keep pace with the tendency of the development of uav,we investigating the rc remote control with the purpose fo satisfying the needs of the rapid development of uav. This project is adopted the modular design method and divided the remote control system into four main parts.They are respectively the central control system, the 5110 LCD display system, the rocker control system and the NRF24L01 wireless module. The central control system is adopted the STC12C5A60S2 chip of the enhanced 51 singlechip computer series as the control core. Through the design and development, the control core can Process and send the signal which is from the rocker to the NRF24L01 wireless module,and then send the signal to the receiver on uav, so as to achieve the destination of controlling of UAV.

    • >Photoelectric Detection
    • High voltage amplifier for phaseshifting interferometer

      2017, 40(8):217-220.

      Abstract (965) HTML (0) PDF 2.70 M (1777) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper designs a highvoltage amplifier suitable for driving piezoelectric actuator based on selfdeveloped highprecision digital phaseshift interferometer. This amplifier adopted the way of DC coupling between lownoise, nonchopperstabilized lowvoltage amplifier circuit and highvoltage amplifier circuit, and combined with feedback network, power amplifier circuit, filter circuit and current limiting protection Circuit. The amplifier circuit is mainly consist of OP07 opamp and the power transistors (MJE340&MJE350). The range of 0 V to 5 V low input voltage produced by the computer is stably amplified into the -30 V to+130 V. Output ripple peak is as low as 10 mV .Thus, the highvoltage amplifier has better stability satisfying the requirements of driving control of the piezoelectric ceramic phase shifter and the high accuracy requirement for the interferometer.

    • Study of the high accuracy benchtop turbidimeter

      2017, 40(8):221-225.

      Abstract (1280) HTML (0) PDF 2.02 M (1664) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Turbidity meter is a crucial instrument to evaluate the physical property of water. The authors and their team work on studying the measuring principle of turbidity, designing the optics and electronic structure, and finally fabrication a real instrument. This instrument based on the ATmega128 microcontroller, and also have several other modules: LED driver, analogdigital converter, current voltage converter, isolator and etc. Mixed with turbidity standard substance and ultrapure water, 17 samples were made uniformlyspaced from 0 NTU to 400 NTU. The experimental result shows that scattered light intensity and transmission light intensity is highly consistent with the equation, the linearity of the curve is very good and the experiments meet with the anticipated goal.

    • Design of vehicle air quality detection system based on MODBUS protocol

      2017, 40(8):226-230.

      Abstract (887) HTML (0) PDF 1.86 M (1660) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the car network, air quality detection is needed. Combined with Modbus protocol, we design an extensible vehicle air quality detection system. In the system, Microprogrammed Control Unit (MCU) STM32F439 is adopted as the main control core and MCU STM32F103 is used as the sensor protocol adapter, which adapts to the gas sensors such as formaldehyde sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, PM2.5/PM10 sensor, unify different sensor protocol into an unified protocol, transmits sensor data to the main control core through RS485 interface on the basis of Modbus protocol. After the main control core filters and processes the data, it will send the data to the acceleration processor unit (APU), and upload the information to the server in real time by means of the GPRS communication module.

    • >Intelligent Instrument and Applications
    • Design and implementation of a simple LED lighting system based on WiFi

      2017, 40(8):231-234.

      Abstract (924) HTML (0) PDF 1.89 M (1535) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Along with the national energy conservation policy for the deepening of LED lighting to replace the traditional incandescent lighting has become mainstream, but at the same time the development of wireless communication technology makes the LED lighting unit individual nodes of the network into reality. To this end, proposes a LED lighting system based on the network environment, the system uses STC12C5202AD microcontroller as the core, through the WiFi wireless communication module ESP8266 as the data transmission, so as to achieve the ULN2987 chip for the LED lighting system and its control drive. The experimental results show that the average packet loss rate is less than 2%, the average time is less than 5 ms in 10 m, and to meet the functional design requirements.

    • Design of remote transmit and step charge water meter based on SI4432

      2017, 40(8):235-239.

      Abstract (1106) HTML (0) PDF 2.67 M (1519) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Because of the requirement of step charge and remote gathering data of water meter, design a wireless remote intelligent water meter. The meter is based on 430 MCU and Si4432, the MCU power consumption is low, the wireless transceiver chip transmission is distance. Describing the theory of water meter, hardware framework, software idea,procedure of remote transmission and receiving. Experimental results show that within a kilometer's distance, the transmission rate is lower than 100 Kpbs, it can achieve the integrity of the data transmission and the steps of the charging function. The water meter has well characteristics, including the costs is low, power consumption is low, preventing water is well, it’s the trend of intelligent water meter.

    • Wearable intelligent music correction system

      2017, 40(8):240-245.

      Abstract (1190) HTML (0) PDF 2.84 M (1329) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper introduces a wearable intelligent music correction system, which can promptly remind the music practitioner's playing errors. The system can collect the music information played by the player in real time, find out the music endpoint from the shortterm average energy method and do FFT and subharmonic summation on the signal between the end points as frequency domain feature. The time difference between the two tone ends as time domain feature, through comparison with the standard music to find out the error in the process of playing, the system promptly remind player and record error. The system is small, efficient and energysaving, experiments demonstrate that this system can achieve expected results.

Editor in chief:Prof. Sun Shenghe




Domestic postal code:2-369

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