• Volume 40,Issue 3,2017 Table of Contents
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    • >Research&Design
    • Research on the air formation collaborative warfare based on cloud computing

      2017, 40(3):15-19.

      Abstract (1258) HTML (0) PDF 2.11 M (843) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Under the condition of informatization, the new menaces make the air battlefield environment more and more complicated, such as stealth, strong electrical interference, beyondvisualrange attack and so on. To meet the demand of new systematic operational, cloud computing is applied to air formation collaborative warfare. With the characteristics of distributed computation, virtualization and efficient resource management, cloud computing is able to reorganize dispersive operational resource organically, which can greatly improve the cooperative engagement capability. This approach can solve the various new threats, which helpsfighters to master the situation on the battlefield. Aimed at the issues related to the conceptand means of cloud collaborative warfare, this paper introduces the application of cloud computing tocollaborative warfareat first. And then the operating principle ofcloud collaborative combat system based on cloud computingis discussed. Furthermore, the system architectureis presented.At last, this paper analyses the advantages of cloud collaborative warfare, compared with the traditional networking collaborative mode.

    • >Test Systems and Modular Components
    • Design of multi factors lightning protection tester

      2017, 40(3):20-24.

      Abstract (1324) HTML (0) PDF 1.94 M (905) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the types of lightning protection systems for existing lightning detection,more measuring points scattered, complex method, detection test records and unautomation of data storage, A Multifactors lightning protection Tester is designed based on the STM32. The equipment is Combined With The Modern electronic technology and data processing algorithms. Digital machine integrated, interactive, multifunction, automatically recording and storing data, realtime information exchange with traffic control system functions are achieved. The tests proved that the tester has a good accordance with the Existing instruments CJ1007 and ETCR3000B when measuring the parameters of SPD resistance and Soil resistivity. The accuracy of data meets the designing requirements. The proposed equipment has been put into use and is well received by customers.

    • >Information Technology & Image Processing
    • Application of multitarget tracking in infrared guidance system

      2017, 40(3):103-107.

      Abstract (1613) HTML (0) PDF 1.72 M (789) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To achieve longrange tracking of suspicious targets and improve the accuracy of infraredguidance,a multitap pipeline architecture multitarget tracking mode is proposed.This method through convolution of image preprocessing, image segmentation and object detection algorithms in the FPGA.By increasing the speed of the convolution achieve the realtime processing.Experimental results show that this method compared with other tracking algorithm,can adaptively adjust the window size, change tracking policy and automatic allocation window which improve the tracking of diversity and choice.The method can guide the infrared guidance system for tracking multiple targets simultaneously,Final criterion is given for the high level of threat against targets.It has practical application prospect.

Editor in chief:Prof. Sun Shenghe




Domestic postal code:2-369

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