Editor in chief:Prof. Sun Shenghe
Domestic postal code:2-369
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Zhang Zhenyu , Zhou Ping , Wang Siyang
2016, 39(2):1-3.
Abstract:Aiming at the requirement of fast response and no overshoot in the control system of an electric steering engine in an single channel rotating projectile, a high speed electric steering engine control system based on a signalloop servo architecture is designed, which is implemented by using a TMS320F2810 control chip with floating point calculation for processing AD signal and generating PWM control signal, and using compound PID control algorithm to achieve fast response and stable following. The result shows that the control system achieves the controlling requirement of the single channel rotating projectile,which can follow control signal fast and stably with high robustness.
Xu Xiaotao , Chen Liqin , Zhou Qiaojun
2016, 39(2):4-7.
Abstract:The paper firstly described hybridterm BF algorithm for common 4G wireless communication system. Hybrid beamforming is between longterm and shortterm, nearoptimal for Nrx=1. For hybrid algorithms of dual layer beamforming, each RB instantaneous channel could be expressed as similar to single layer case for each UE. An eigenvalue decomposition is applied to instantaneous or averaged channel correlation matrix. The beamformer transmits all available power along the channel’s strongest direction (implemented via the dominant eigenvector of correlation matrix). And then make a software designing implementation for hybridterm BF, too. It is involved in ULSRS combiner and DL PHY layer designing. Finally, the paper gives the detailed simulation for different performance index and gets some technical conclusion.
Wang Huai , Li Huaying , Wang Tao , Liu Yan
2016, 39(2):8-13.
Abstract:With the rapid development of high resolution earth observation satellite, the contradiction between data rate and system bandwidth ground receiving system facing the increasingly prominent, single polarization inherent reception is difficult to meet the bandwidth requirements, while receiving polarization multiplexing can effectively solve the problem of insufficient bandwidth. But the difficulty lies in the existence of polarization multiplexing inevitable interference two polarization, polarization isolation requirements of satellite ground link is very high. The theoretical analysis shows that the polarization multiplexing receiver performance depends on the combination between satellite and ground isolation, with satellite antenna spatial relationship is different, the isolation will change. Due to the uncertainty of satellite ground isolation design, polarization multiplexing receiving ratio standard is the main difficulty of polarization multiplexing receiving results processing, for verification of the theoretical analysis, an experiment system of polarization multiplexing receiver.
Xu Weiming , Li Yuyu , Fang Hao , Chen Guanying
2016, 39(2):14-17.
Abstract:According to the measurement precision deficiency of thermoelectric material resistivity and the great change of resistivity with temperature, the measurement circuit with high precision and wide range for resistance is designed by using TMS320F28027 as the core processor. The experimental proved that the reference voltage can be automatic adjusted and the system can automatic tracking the best output of reference voltage and sampling resistance. The measurement circuit is a valuable circuit for the thermoelectric material resistivity measurement with the characteristics of high precision, low voltage and wide range. The circuit can be used in other similar large range resistance measurements with a little improvement.
2016, 39(2):18-24.
Abstract:In the process of interoperable traffic IC card, the diversity of the resonant frequency of IC card of the different city using caused incompatibility and credit card blind with IC card and terminal in interoperable work. Combines with the principle of resonance frequency of IC card and a lot of experimental data, analysis the test error of IC card resonance frequency, summed up a test scheme under a crossregional mode for resonant frequency of interoperable traffic IC card by the method of statistical analysis. The experimental data show that this method could better converge the value range of resonant frequency on the condition of does not affect the user experience of IC card.
Song Peng , Li Kelei , Zhou Jinglei
2016, 39(2):25-28.
Abstract:Aiming at the existing problems of the need to calibrate instrument hardware before instrument delivery,presents a gain analysis and storage system of conditioning circuit.This system adopts the Agilent 34410A as measurement tool,with the STM32 as the main control chip,with STM32 builtin NAND Flash chip as a storage unit. Slave computer Communicates with PC through USB protocol.Testing results indicate that the system can achieve the function of using PC control the Agilent 34410A to collect a conditioning circuit of each amplifier and attenuator in actual input and output voltage,then calculates their actual gain, last send the collected data to the Flash of STM32.The software of PC reads out the data in the memory via USB,and using the value for subsequent calibration work.
2016, 39(2):29-32.
Abstract:At present, in terms of the heating effect of the micro loudspeaker analysis, there were some studies, this paper made a simple introduction of the structure and working principle of the speaker, using the finite element method to solve the temperature field of the speaker in the working process numerically. The micro loudspeaker model is set up in COMSOL Multiphysics finite element analysis software, and the grid dirision is carried on, the internal temperature distribution when the speaker is working is simulated and analyzed. The temperature field distribution of 2 d and 3 d graphics and the distribution of internal flow velocity field and temperature contrast figure of the internal different parts is get. Conclusion provide certain theoretical reference for the design and research of the mini speaker.
2016, 39(2):33-37.
Abstract:This paper offers a way to find the best selection of synchronous buck converter switching bridge topology and equipment in the selection of CMOS technology. It is assumed that the DCDC converter is on the same integrated circuit where the load has a constant operating point that is known. The design space consists of the variety of cascode/noncascode switch bridge topologies and available MOS switch devices. The goal of maximizing the power efficiency η is met with a very large design space. To avoid exhaustive simulations, the proposed technologyindependent approximation method narrows down the design space and suggests the most powerefficient combination. Synchronous 3.3~1.65 V Buck converters simulations with core, I/O, and HV devices in 45 and 65nm CMOS technologies confirmed that the method produces reliable comparative results. Furthermore, the outcome is a sharp focus for subsequent detailed dcdc converter design and topologydependent optimization.
Wang Taihua , Cui Zhiwei , Yao Xuezhao
2016, 39(2):38-41.
Abstract:In the RFID system,it is possible to produce a data collision phenomenon when multiple electronic tags send information to the reader, to solve this problem,based on the analysis and research of the dynamic frame slot ALOHA algorithm and backoff binary search algorithm,we proposed an improved algorithm combining the two.The algorithm absorbs the advantages of fast of ALOHA algorithm and high efficiency of binary algorithm,simultaneously it can estimate the number of remaining tags within the system and adjust frame length dynamically,then makes the system work in the optimal state.Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the improved algorithm is better than the traditional anticollision algorithm.It can effectively improve the system throughput and reduce the number of slots required for the query tag at the same time.
Zhu Fengqin , Zhai Xuping , Tian Chaoyang , Zhang Xiaodong
2016, 39(2):42-45.
Abstract:As the uplink modulation scheme in Long Term Evolution (LTE), Discrete Fourier Transform Spread Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (DFTSOFDM) technology has been adopted by 3GPP, which has some advantages such as lower Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR), ealc. Most of the current timing synchronization algorithms used in the receivers can’t meet additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and multipath fading channels in the low signal to noise ratio (SNR). For this situation, an improved hypothesis test statistic is proposed in this scheme, which is used for timing synchronization. The theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the performance of this new statistic is beyond the initial method in AWGN and multipath fading channels, especially in the case of low SNR, and it is robust against the Doppler frequency offset caused by high speed motion. The receivers can rapidly catch the head of transmit frames in high accuracy rate, so this improved timing synchronization algorithm has some value for engineering application.
Ai Yongle , Wang Wei , Wang Yudong , Du Jingjing
2016, 39(2):46-50.
Abstract:Analyzed the low power factor and the voltage fluctuation of a monocrystalline silicon production workshop distribution network, and compared two mixed compensation solutions, this paper proposed a method using Static Var Generator (SVG) for capacitor switching device’s correct compensation. Used MATLAB/Sinmulink simulation software to set up mixed compensation system model and have simulation verification, while designed a SVG device to be applied in the monocrystalline silicon production workshop. The simulation and experimental results show that the grid power factor can be improved to more than 0.99, the design of Static Var Generator can improve the power factor of monocrystalline silicon production workshop effectively, and it also has good dynamic performance.
Li Chengzhi , Meng Hongfeng , Wang Dongjiang
2016, 39(2):51-55.
Abstract:Doppler Blind Zone (DBZ) in pulse Doppler (PD) radar can cause the termination of target tracking and a repeated count of tracks. Aiming at solving this problem, an algorithm based on radar and IR data fusion was proposed. Before entering DBZ, the trajectory information of the target can be obtained by the joint tracking of radar and IR. When the target enters DBZ, it can be tracked continuously using the bearing information of IR and the trajectory information which was obtained previously. Simulation results show that the algorithm is feasible and it can be used to solve the tracking problem in DBZ.
Qiao YinqiXiao , Xiao Jianhua , Huang Yinhe , Yin Kuiying
2016, 39(2):56-60.
Abstract:Spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image is considered to have low signaltonoise (SNR) ratio and it has difficulties in detecting airport and extracting related regions due to speckles and nontarget objects. Aiming at these problems, an algorithm scheme was proposed to implememt airport detection and extraction in spaceborne SAR image. Curvelet thresholding and Otsu’s algorithm were adopted to restrain speckle noise and to separate region of interest (ROI) from background respectively. Then an improved randomized Hough transform (RHT) based on least square method correction was introduced in airport runway detection. The whole related airport region was extracted using region growing method whose seeds were selected in runway area. The result of experiment shows that the proposed scheme is able to have the airport detected and extracted in spite of the problems of spaceborne SAR and has high precision and robustness.
2016, 39(2):61-63.
Abstract:The traditional mismatching eliminating method RANSAC has poor performance when used for the mismatching eliminating of the cylindrical images. A mismatching eliminating algorithm based on curve fitting was proposed in this paper in order to solve this problem. First, SURF features were extracted from two images and were matched using the nearest neighbor method. Then, the matching point set was sorted by ordinal position. At last, the slope set and the Euclidean distance set of the lines build by every two matched feature points were done curve fitting respectively to remove the mismatching points. Experiments show that the proposed method has improved the matching point set number close to the edge of the cylinder after removing, and improved the precision of cylindrical matching obviously
2016, 39(2):64-68.
Abstract:To detect the defects on a smooth metal surface, a vision system in the condition of parallel lighting was built, and a lighted LED array was put as background of the target artifact. First of all, images were captured from different angles by three cameras, because the gray feature of the target surface and the defects between the brightfield image and the darkfield image is on the contrary. Then image processing algorithms were carried out to pick up the center coordinates of every LED point, which can be used as feature points in the DLT process. Finally differential fusion between brightfield and darkfield was implemented. Experiments show that differential fusion can either eliminate background interference information effectively or improve the contrast between the target surface and defects obviously.
Feng Chenxi , Yang Wenjun , Xiao Jing
2016, 39(2):69-71.
Abstract:Super resolution imaging is a kind of data adaptive imaging technology, which can be applied to the group target recognition of ISAR imaging. At present, the error caused by the optimal weighting vector can cause the performance of the beam forming device to drop dramatically. However, the imaging effect of the super resolution imaging algorithm is greatly improved after the addition of the quadratically constraints and subspace constraints, and has a good effect on the target recognition.Based on the Capon as the starting point, this paper analyzes the advantages of the two constraints and subspace constraints of the super resolution imaging algorithm, and compares the diagonal loading algorithm and the beam forming algorithm based on the feature space, and finally shows the results through simulation.
Yang Jinxiao , Shen Tianfei , Teng Qiuxia
2016, 39(2):72-75.
Abstract:In the research on speech recognition of small vocabulary and isolated words, the recognition rate of the words with fast (or slow) rate or high (or low) volume is degraded. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust their rate or volume. Based on the linear prediction analysis technique, the paper propose a novel adjusting methodology, whereby the speech signal to be adjusted is first transformed by the antisolution to the glottal pulse to have their rate and volume adjusted. Through the sound channel system, these adjusted glottal pulses are transformed to the adjusted speech with proper rate and volume. Simulation results show that the method is practically feasible and able to improve the recognition rate of the speech recognition system for the words with fast (or slow) rate or high (or low) volume.
Li Bingyang , Jia Yinliang , Zhang Feng
2016, 39(2):76-79.
Abstract:Aiming at the high requirements of data storage capacity, realtime of display and chip’s process speed in airborne display system, a type of airborne display system has been designed and implemented. FPGA is used as the main development platform in the system, using its rich design resources to achieve the video data by CMOS camera, after interpolation processing, the video’s cache can be realized by SDRAM DDR2. The instrument graphics which needed to be superposed also generates in the process of image processing, final, superposing the instrument graphics to the video and transferring into the display. Through verification, the graphics of instrument, such as attitude direction indicator and the compass, can be superposed on the 60 frames per second video, each pixel size is 16 bit and the video’s maximum resolution is 1920× 1080 in this system.
Nan Ganglei , Zhang Ruifeng , Zhang Ziran
2016, 39(2):80-82.
Abstract:To measure the 3D characteristics of a certain diesel engine cylinder head, the whole point cloud of the cylinder head is obtained through a system consisted of CCD, linestructured light and a closedloop feedback control trigger device. The normal vector of surface is calculated. The upper plane of the cylinder head is fitted using random sample consensus in the article. Then the coordinate system is converted, which establishes the foundations for the following position reference. Points on the internal surface of cylinders are extracted using SAMODEL_CYLINDER in PCL. The inner axis vector, coordinate of a certain point on the axis and radius can be obtained through PCL. The measurement results are compared with the standard size, the fitted results using PCL have much accuracy.
Cai Guangxin , Shi Xiaofeng , Lin Guojun
2016, 39(2):83-88.
Abstract:Considering the requirements for the flight inspection of instrument DME, a embedded signal acquisition module is designed. The ARM is chosen to control the whole system. The system contains corresponding hardware of A/D conversion, ARINC 429 bus interface, GPS Synchronous signal interface and LAN interface which used to communicate with PC, et al. And design the corresponding hardware interface driver based on embedded linux system, includes SPI bus driver, ARINC 429 bus driver and test applications, et al. This system finally realizes the measurement and analysis of the ground station DME. The component has a strong portability and it can be applied to other realtime measurement fields.
2016, 39(2):89-93.
Abstract:Traditionally, software test for refrigeration equipments is based on an integral auxiliary system that simulates HVAC units, with manual test as the dominant approach marking low efficiency. The theory of virtual instrument will be introduced in this paper into the test for refrigeration equipments, and LabVIEW technology will be used to upgrade current test system. As indicated in the practice, the proposed application can effectively improve the test flexibility and reliability, enhance the level of test automation and versatility, elevate test efficiency and demonstrate broad practical value.
Cheng Jinguang , Zhang Rongfu , Yu Hao , Guo Shiping
2016, 39(2):94-98.
Abstract:Based on LabVIEW multithreading and sound cards in a PC, this paper brings forward a data acquisition and analysis system, which can accomplish acquisition, analysis and comparison of sound signal in real time, and the detection results are obtained timely. Besides, both the sound data acquired and the detection results can be saved to prepare for the post call. It also can use to compare and recognize with the preset standard sound. After the actual test on guitar tone,the results show that in 3% error range of the standard signal, the overall detection accuracy in average reached 91%, with higher accuracy and stability. Many experiments show that when error threshold is between 3% and 5%, the test accuracy is the highest. This solution can be extended to the field of speech recognition, ambient noise monitoring and laboratory measurement et al.
Gou Can , Sun Yuguo , Yan Zheng
2016, 39(2):99-102.
Abstract:A portable dualchannel vibration test system was developed for the vibration testing of the machine arm, numerical control machine tool and other machining equipments. The vibration speed signal of the device was picked up by the ST3 electromagnetic sensor, and the output of the mV voltage of the sensor was amplified by using the amplifier of AD620. The amplified signal was transmitted to PC by using USB6008 data acquisition card of NI company, and the digital lowpass filter, spectrum analysis and correlation analysis software were written based on LabVIEW platform. The actual test results show that the system can achieve a higher sampling frequency sampling, and the mechanical vibration signal analysis and processing is more efficient. The system has the advantages of small size, simple operation, friendly humancomputer interaction.
Zhang Jian , Li Keqiang , Li Chengbing
2016, 39(2):103-105.
Abstract:To solve the problem of various test items, poor data reliability, complex calculation process and large accumulative error in the energy saving monitoring method of drilling diesel engine, by analyzing and studying the existing torque and speed measurement method and data transmission technology, this paper developed a set of output torque and rotational speed measurement system for drilling diesel engine. The test shows that, the measuring accuracy of the system can satisfy the measurement error range of the diesel engine output torque and speed in the SY/T 5030 “the diesel engine for the petroleum and natural gas industry”. The effect of the system is proved through field test, and that can improve the scientific and accuracy of energy saving monitoring and evaluation of drilling diesel engine.
Ren Qingfang , Song Zhi , Xue Yanbing
2016, 39(2):106-110.
Abstract:For the situation that the current commercial impedance analyzer is expensive,this paper designed a simple impedance meter with a dual directional coupler and an amplitude and phase detection chip AD8302. Dual directional coupler is mainly used to constitute reflectometer circuit, separating the input signal and the reflected signal; AD8302 is mainly used to measure these two signals' amplitude gain and phase difference. After combining the two parts,to get load impedance by measuring the reflection coefficient. By measuring the chip resistor during the frequency of 75~85 MHz and receiving that its maximum relative error of real part is 3.8%,imaginary part presents a smaller reactance. The results show that the simple impedance meter can achieve impedance measurement preliminary.
Meng Hongfeng , Liu Zhaolei , Hu Xuecheng , Yu Jianguo , Ma Yuefei
2016, 39(2):111-114.
Abstract:The problem of registration for airborne multiplatform sensor based on the square root unscented kalman filter (SRUKF) in a fusion system is considered. First, a registration model for misaligned sensors was given. Then, the sensor misalignments and target states were incorporated into an augmented dynamic model, then the observability of the model was discussed and SRUKF was proposed to estimate target states and register these sensors simultaneously. The linearization of the nonlinear equation was not needed and the amount of calculation was reduced compared to UKF. Simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. SRUKF has faster convergence speed and computational speed compared to UKF simultaneously.
Wang Yannian , Zhang Shuangshuang , Liu Ting
2016, 39(2):115-117.
Abstract:An improved LEACH algorithm is proposed in this paper to keep wireless sensor network maintaining small router information and to reduce the energy consumption of nodes as much as possible. The multihops way method is used in this algorithm . The energy which is consumed in the communication between cluster heads and the base station is optimized.In order to avoid the node with low energy is used as the cluster head, the residual energy of node has become as an important indicator in each round of cluster head alection process.Then the improved algorithm was emulated in MATLAB. The result of emulation proves that the improved algorithm LEACH can effectively balance the energy of the network and the lifetime of wireless sensor network could be improved greatly via proposed method in this paper than the traditional LEACH.
2016, 39(2):118-121.
Abstract:When the charger is plugged into the smart phone which has capacitive touch screen, the common mode noise of charger will interfere the working of touch screen. Sometimes the touch screen is even no response. The interference reason is explained by charger and capacitive touch screen. Then, the test system for anticommonmode noise performance of touch panel is designed. The test system contains a signal generator generating a sweep frequency signal which is used to simulate different common mode noise generated by chargers. The test results show that the higher voltage the handset can endure, the anticommonmode noise performance of touch panel is better. This is consistent with the real touch performance of handsets with charger, which proves the test system is effective.
Zhou Jinglei , Chang Cheng , Dong Jiao
2016, 39(2):122-125.
Abstract:This paper proposes a digital equalization algorithm that is used to adjust the virtual electronic measuring instruments in frequency response problems. In order to compensate the frequency response curve of distortion, make it accord with a standard signal waveform and meet the accuracy requirement of acoustic test for test signal, the test signal can be filtered by the appropriate digital equalization algorithm, through processing the frequency response curve of the acoustic test signal which is analyzed by ADC, DAC and the regulate circuit. The simulation results show that this method can effectively compensate the signal, better meet the electroacoustic testing to the quality of test signals and improve the test result.
Ni Jianjun , Dong Long , Gong Zhipeng , Zhai Guofang
2016, 39(2):126-130.
Abstract:To study the key characteristics of Xray pulsars, recording Xray pulse signal rising edge of time and peak value, the FPGAbased Xray pulse signal data acquisition system was designed. This paper mainly introduced the composition of data acquisition system, the function, as well as the hardware design. Among them, the system adopts eleven multichannel ADCs for Xray pulse signal acquisition, using digital potentiometer and high voltage power module for the fine adjustment of detectors reverse bias voltage, using data storage and correction circuit to complete the data correction processing, and through the image transition circuit to accomplish the image data transmission, display and system debugging. Connected with host computer, complete instructions transceiver control, adjust the working state, and feedback working state information.
2016, 39(2):131-133.
Abstract:Airborne fire control radar is the main fire guide unit of warcraft/fighter. So in the airborne EW field, airborne fire control radar is the main counter object. Identify the work mode of airborne fire control radar is the core work and most difficulty part. In this paper, the basic work principle and wave features of the airborne fire control radar are analyzed. By the data analysis of airborne fire control radar’s work status, it introduces the means to recognize the operation mode of the airborne fire control radar and the Formation of aircraft. This method can identify the scan, tracking and SAM status of airborne fire control radar correctly through anechoic chamber radiation test verification. The test results verify the method is available.
2016, 39(2):134-137.
Abstract:Aiming at the problem that BP neural network have a slow convergence speed and is easy to fall into local minimum when applied to fault diagnosis, a fault diagnosis method of hydraulic drilling rig based on Genetic algorithm optimized BP neural network is proposed. Using selection, crossover and mutation to optimize the weights and thresholds of BP neural network, and improve the convergence speed of network training and the optimized BP neural network is applied in the fault diagnosis of hydraulic drilling rig. Extract appropriate fault feature from the collected parameters of hydraulic drilling rig working condition, then establish sample set by data normalization, using the training sample set to train the network, and finally, make fault diagnosis according to the training results. The simulation reveals that the BP neural network optimized by genetic algorithm has a small number of iterations, and a fast convergence speed. It can classify the testing samples effectively, and it has a high accuracy of fault diagnosis.
Wu Xiangyu , Jin Shan , Ni Shuyan
2016, 39(2):138-141.
Abstract:Affected by wind and other factors, the high altitude platform(HAP)can only be maintained in a quasistationary state. The rotation of the HAP around its central axis is a major problem. When using the classical honey cells, frequent handoff caused by platform rotation will happen especially for outer cells, which will seriously deteriorate the communication performance. An effective method to overcome this problem is to use the ring shaped cells. In the paper, the influence of platform rotation in the HAP communication system is analyzed to prove the necessary of using the ring cells. And then the configuration and multiplexing mode based on the ring cells is proposed for the HAP system. Finally, the realization of ring shaped beam by vertical antenna array is studied and simulated to prove the feasibility of the ring shaped cell.
Yao Jie , Kong Xiangying , Wang Guiqiang
2016, 39(2):142-146.
Abstract:How to realize the seamless link between the PC and the Qsys system has always been the focus of a design in the engineering practice. In view of the above problem, this paper presents an IP core design of PCIslave interface based on Avalon bus, which replaces the original design method of using special interface chip, in form of embedded IP core. The design is according to the topdown design process, firstly gives the RTL level module partition of the PCIslave interface, and carefully designs the mealy type of state machine. Then completes the onchip interconnection between Avalon bus and PCI bus. Finally develops an IP soft core with independent intellectual property rights, and validates the feasibility of the design in engineering practice.
Luo Chao , Liu Changlu , Hu Jingying
2016, 39(2):147-150.
Abstract:A new parallel cyclic redundant check (CRC) encoding method is proposed in this paper after the introduction of CRC implementation theory and realization method. Serial implementation method takes less resources, but the efficiency is low;While parallel implementation method can complete several bits of CRC calculation at the same time , but takes too much hardware resources. In order to improve the CRC calculation efficiency and reduce resource consumption, this paper proposes a parallel CRC encoding method and then take CRC16 for example, use the Arria V GX series FPGA chip 5AGXFB3H4F35C4N produced by Altera corporation to realize the universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) communication containing the proposed new CRC encoding method. Finally, call the simulation tool ActiveHDL, the result shows that this method consumes less hardware resources and has the ability to complete the parallel CRC computing at the next clock after the input changed.
Editor in chief:Prof. Sun Shenghe
Domestic postal code:2-369